A Pragmatic Randomized trial Evaluating Pre-operative Alcohol skin solutions in Fractured Extremities
McMaster Led
PI: Dr. Gerard Slobogean, Dr. Sheila Sprague, Dr. Mohit Bhandari
Local PI: Dr. Herman Johal
Project Coordinator: Kaitlyn Pusztai (pusztake@mcmaster.ca)
Status: Complete
Recruitment Start Date: July 2019
Recruitment End Date: February 2022
Objective: To compare the effectiveness of iodine povacrylex (0.7% free iodine) in 74% isopropyl alcohol versus 2% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) in 70% isopropyl alcohol for the management of extremity fractures that require surgical treatment. The primary outcome for comparison is surgical site infection (SSI), and the secondary outcome is unplanned fracture-related reoperation.
Funding Received: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Anatomical Location: Open fractures of the appendicular skeleton. Closed fractures of the lower extremeity or pelvis.